Hi Susan. Thank you for this beautiful essay, bravely sharing the raw details and beautiful spirit of Laura. You're the first person, I've read, who's managed to capture the long, never-ending hypervigilance: the starts, slaps, sleeping with one eye open with both ears straining and the 0 to 100mph adrenalin rush in under 10 seconds. Normalising the new norm, constantly adapting, readapting, appreciating, trying to feel blessed before the next shoe drops at around midnight...

I know all of these things with intimate clarity.

My experience is very different but also, in many caregiving ways, the same.

Thank you for eloquently sharing the realities of caring in such detail. Even after 4 years, the flinch moments of thumps, bumps, shouts and falls on stairs can be too acute to express.

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Thank you for relating to my words and my experiences and for appreciating the way that I was able to write and capture the roller coaster of living as a caretaker -as you so expressed in your response to my work, filled with thumb bumps shout, and falls, and all sorts of other things that only caretakers in such situations can truly and fully understand.

I look forward to reading some of your work soon.

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Thank you for this reminder: “The bottom line; every day we had together was a day worth celebrating, a true blessing.” I love the sunflower 🌻 metaphor. Your writing flows so well.

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Thank you for reading my posts-and for your comments too-It means a lot to me. sunflowers were one of our symbols- Laura loved dolphins too-so I wove them both in.

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🌻 🐬✨❤️‍🔥

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This post is outstanding and carefully prepared. You poignantly and creatively connect the theme of parental care and dedication to the behavior of dolphins. You also shared the theme of joy as you describe Laura as a sunflower. So moving. Love the photo. Thank you.

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Deeply poignant & profound.

As a bereaved mother, and ‘Grief & Growth’ specialist, I feel your raw pain. And I am inspired by your graceful courage. Sending healing prayers.

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Thank you. Your support means a lot. You are a kindred spirit who is helping others with your site, both the grieving and those who are in their lives. I am so glad you are reading my posts.

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There is so much we have to offer to and receive from each other dear Susan. Your blog is a balm for those on parental grief journey. Stay warm and strong.

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